On the more positive front, reasonable reader Mare reminded me in the comments that the cleaning is weekly, not monthly. I confirmed that this is indeed correct, so thanks for talking me off the ledge! ;)
However, on my way to work, I noticed another injustice. This year, we all received small cards announcing the spring clean-up. The point of the cards, though, was to explain that they would be using orange signs to indicate where and when clean-ups were going to take place. These are just like the ones they use for the snow removal, but I guess they decided to get more focused about it or something.
Well I certainly haven't seen any of these on our block yet, but imagine my dismay, when exactly a block and a half north, on our very street I see this:

and a whole line of them going all the way up Clark street into the haughty upper Mile End regions. What because I don't spend my entire day with my stroller at Open Da Nite sipping cappucino and pretnding to work on a latop, I'm not entitled to get the orange signs! Why are we being ghettoized! Lower Clark represent!
1 comment:
This is the first time someone has called me reasonable. Achievement unlocked.
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