At the bottom of our street, the south side, jutting right out into Mont-royal, is where they are going to dig the really big hole. According to the inspector, it's going to be 8 metres deep. They've already cut the starting slices and built a wall of 2x4's and plywood, to block people from coming into it. The wall is only on the south side, so I hope that we will have visual access for the duration of the work. The machine they are using on it is big!
Here is some sexy construction machinery porn for you! Amateur, too!

You can see the lattice of cuts made into the surface of the road. That job would be repetitive and boring but I can see a certain satisfaction in driving nice clean cuts like that into the road.
As I was taking pictures, my downstairs neighbour came by on her way home from work and shopping for the family. It's her awesome dog that I take out on walks. Here's a nice shot of Clark street benefitting from the lack of cars.

Finally, one of the holes near a larger commercial building on the corner revealed an awesome old valve.

Stay tuned as there is lots more to come, including a potential Canada Post scandal!
1 comment:
Jesus, this is one HUGE backhoe! Nice to see Montreal again, by the way - thanks for the pics!
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