A very disciplined marching band. The dude in the front with the shaker is wearing an Urban Jam t-shirt.

On the trail that leads up to Voie Camilien Houde and the lookout, this pile of parks works materials has been sitting for over a year now. Check out this nice piece of granite. I'd love to take that back to my place and do something with it, like, I don't know, stick it in the ground in the backyard and pray to it or something.

I wanted to continue to the summit, but the dog was panting and hot (she doesn't dig the humid weather) and hinted strongly that she did not want to continue the ascent. She ran ahead and disappeared and when I caught up, I found her in this nice little pool built in the creek. She must have passed it before on walks with the owner because I usually don't go down that path and she seemed to know right where it was.

And just to really make it an awesome walk, the butcher at Chez Vito gave me a big chunk of leg bone for the dog.

"Just give it to her. She'll knew what to do," the butcher said. At first she was a bit non-plussed, by the weight of it I think. She tried to pick it up and had some trouble, but then she licked it and after that it was on. She went all Cujo on that bad boy!

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